Day 30, Nicene Creed, 22nd Line

Day 30, Nicene Creed, 22nd Line

He will come again in glory

I can’t say this line without my scalp getting at least a little tingly with excitement. And if I can, then I know I’m not really paying attention to what I’m saying.

This is our hope and faith. Christianity is not just believing in something that happened a long time ago; it is about the glory that is to come, and everything in between. It's a relationship with a real person who is God, who has been, is now, and is coming back for us. Our experience of now is shaped by all that we look back on, and all that we look forward to with Christ as our past, present and future.

Anytime I am in the midst of difficulty, suffering and/or injustice, I remember that Jesus is coming back. Then, whatever I’m going through seems so much smaller. It’s a good thing to keep in mind during Lent, lest we begin to feel that we'll be fasting forever.

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This reflection is a part of By Heart: A Lenten Prayer Project.

Day 31, Nicene Creed, 23rd Line

Day 31, Nicene Creed, 23rd Line

Day 29, Nicene Creed, 21st Line

Day 29, Nicene Creed, 21st Line