Day 3: Act of Contrition, 3rd Line

Day 3: Act of Contrition, 3rd Line

I have sinned against you

This line, as simply as it seems, only begins to make sense when we begin to understand that we are not our own. All of creation belongs to God. Even our very breath is on loan from Him. So when we injure ourselves, and when we injure others, we are offending God Himself. Likewise, when others injure us, their offense is toward God. That’s why we are called to forgive others. When God is willing to forgive, who are we not to?

Our King is not some distance ruler looking down on His sinful creation; He is in it with us. Jesus’ life and Passion were all God’s way of meeting us where we are at. When we repent of the injuries we cause, we take full responsibility for our part in nailing Jesus to the cross. Then, He invites us to take up our own crosses, not as the condemned criminals that we were, but as those who freely choose to walk with Jesus.

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This reflection is a part of By Heart: A Lenten Prayer Project.

Day 4: Act of Contrition, 4th Line

Day 4: Act of Contrition, 4th Line

Day 2: Act of Contrition, 2nd Line

Day 2: Act of Contrition, 2nd Line